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Who Is This For

  • You are an ambitious, driven woman but find that you neglect your own health and self-care because you often put your career and family responsibilities first.
  • You feel exhausted and close to burn out on a regular basis.
  • You are at full capacity and worried that any further career progression, or additional work load, will just make you more tired and unhealthy.
  • You are ready to commit to making your well-being a priority now but don’t know how to get back on track or even where to start?
  • Do you wish a “Health Intervention” team would guide you through precise actions that will empower you to thrive, not just survive, in your fast-paced life?

If at least 2 of the above statements resonate, then I can absolutely help you and I can totally relate to how you feel.

Why It Works

The Strong Ambition Method is the method and team I wish I had access to when I was close to burn-out in my corporate career.

This is the proven career and health method that I developed with a team of leading health and fitness experts – and based on proven research working with ambitious and career focussed women. It was also born out of my own personal experience working in corporate.

This is for you if you have de-prioritised your own health and wellbeing, to a point where it has started to negatively impact your current career and future career prospects. This method will ensure you can progress in your career sustainably.

The Strong Ambition Method, will help you get to a place where you can thrive in both your career, and within your body.

Why the Strong Ambition Method is so Powerful.

The Strong Ambition Method starts with a 90 day commitment from YOU. A commitment to getting results.

This is NOT a weight loss programme [although clients often do lose weight following the programme].

This is a Career and Health Programme, where we will help you build a strong foundation to help you thrive not just survive.

The 4 Core Pillars of the Strong Ambition Method are:

  • Strength Training
  • Rest
  • Nourishment
  • Personal Accountability & Social Connection

One of the key reasons this method is so successful is you will get personal support to implement all 4 of them.

You will work with one of our experienced Personal Trainers to slowly and safely build up your strength and fitness.

You will be accountable to a Strong Ambition Method Coach, who will guide you through a set of both standard and personalised strategies, showing you how to personally implement these habits into your daily life and master that mental gain.

It’s this unique combination, of both mind and body, that makes the Strong Ambition Method so powerful for professional women.


❝ Prior to this programme, I felt tired most of the time.
Fast forward 12 weeks, I now train 2 or 3 times a week, go on long walks with my family at the weekend, and spend quality time with my daughter after work.
Importantly, I now have the energy to start looking at my life objectively again, my confidence and quality of my sleep has improved, along with my clarity of thought about what I want my future to look like. ❞

Ann MarieHead of People Advisory

❝ 3 months commitment was the perfect amount for me, I felt like that was achievable, and I just thought, what do I have to lose?

I am writing this testimonial after having completed my 90 days with Julia, its 6pm and I have just finished a full days workshop with my team, remarkably I still feel like I have loads of energy!

With Julia’s regular coaching, I felt like she was my guiding star through all of this. ❞

GaynorGlobal Head of Brand and Communications

❝ I have a really busy and hectic life. Whilst I love to work out, initially I was worried about how I would fit in regular PT sessions each week and manage this alongside work and family commitments. However, once I made the decision to commit, I knew it was the right choice and it now fits comfortably into my life and is something I make a priority.

I’ve really noticed how much stronger I am since training in this way. I have a young, very active (and heavy!) son and now I have the physical strength to keep up with him, and picking him up is easy now!

Working with Julia was such a joy. She took so much of the hard work and barriers away and was like having a friend at the end of the phone to spur you on when you needed it. I loved her non-judgmental style but also how excited she was for my journey and seeing me get stronger. ❞

MelBusiness Owner, Brand Experience Expert and Mum

About Julia

Julia – Strong Ambition Method Coach and Founder of the Strong Ambition Method

❝ I almost sacrificed my health and family life on my way up the corporate ladder and no woman should have to do that. This is why I built the Strong Ambition Method.

Between 2008-2018, I co-founded a tech consultancy, working with prestigious clients such as Liberty Global, UPC, Virgin Media, British Telecom.

To cut a long story short, most evenings I worked until 9pm, and I commuted back and fourth between the UK and Europe on a weekly basis, rarely taking time out to look after my health.

A number of years later, when I returned from maternity leave, it wasn’t long before I found myself at the Doctors, weeping and exhausted, and I finally realised this lifestyle wasn’t sustainable.

Everything changed when I discovered strength training. The first pillar of the Strong Ambition Method.

I changed the way I trained from ‘burn calorie /lose weight’ mentality to ‘gain strength/add energy’ mentality. I built up my strength safely by working with a fantastic PT, and I booked regular sessions with her, so that I was accountable and consistent.

Going on this personal journey inspired me so much that after leaving tech consulting in 2018, I decided in 2019 to create the Strong Ambition Method, I re-trained as a Personal Trainer & Weightlifting Coach and after working closely with other professional women, I have also come to understand the importance of the other pillars, nourishment, rest, personal accountability and social connection.❞


If you would like to speak with Julia about how she can help you, click button below to arrange a quick call.

*The majority of clients have their employers contribute to the programme fees.

Exact fees will be disclosed on the call.

For all other enquiries, or a specific question, please click on the turquoise button above to find email address.

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